Friday, November 12, 2010

Movies at the library

The girls and I braved the fog tonight to go to the Carleton library and watch Toy Story 3.   Sure, we just rented it last week, but all three of us like the Toy Story series, so I was happy to go see it again.

As expected, there were a lot of little children there, but also a couple of teens who even dressed up as Woody and Jessie.   One of the little boys brought cupcakes to celebrate his mom's ______ birthday.  (He was about to say how old she was, when her hand quickly slipped firmly across his mouth.   LOL.)

When we got home, I asked the girls if they were going away to college which toys they would have the hardest time giving up.   Riley quickly said her orange monkey from Gymboree (oh the hours that she spent playing with that).  She ended up changing her mind to her baby though.   Kennedy has become pretty attached to a stuffed bear that she named "Honey".   That was her choice.   Me?   Monka still hangs out in my room.  I guess what that means is that as an adult, you can still hold onto a childhood toy....or maybe I have just never grown up.