Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hallowe'en in Greenfield Village

On a whim, the girls and I decided to go to Halloween in Greenfield Village last night.    The girls do not yet have their costumes picked out for this year, so after some quick and creative harvesting from their dress-up clothes, old Halloween costumes, and dance costumes, they came up with a candy corn witch and an '80's girl'.   Riley's costume made me chuckle because while she thought the ripped shirt, big hair bow, and legwarmers were humorous and outrageous, I remember classmates dressed like that and not thinking it abnormal in the least.

I had heard that the event left you wanting for more, and that it was crowded, and a waste of money, but we decided to risk it because its not often that you get beautiful October nights in the 70s, and because it was something new for us that we had not done before -- I am so glad that we did!   

With the village aglow in hundreds of jack-o-lanterns, and with seasonal decorations, spooky music, and costumed characters, there was a festive feeling in the air.   As we walked from station to station, to collect our treats, we encountered the likes of the grim reaper, a fortune teller, the Phantom of the Opera, a barbershop quartet of singing pumpkins, and of course the headless horseman.  There were a lot of people there, so we frequently paused to admire the characters and carved pumpkins and let the crowd pass us by, then again had the streets to ourselves to enjoy.   Including a break for cider and donuts, it took us nearly two hours to complete the tour through the village, and all three of us were pretty tired as we walked to the car.

Both girls were asleep shortly after we left the parking lot, and I drove home thinking that with a new seasonal adventure in our memories, this certainly wasn't a waste of money and the only thing that it left me wanting for was wanting to add it to our calendar every year.

More pictures....