Sunday, January 9, 2011

Winter hike & bonfire

The girls and I closed a fun day with a trip to the nature center for a winter night hike and bonfire.   The weather was crisp, but the sky was crystal clear, the hot chocolate steamy, and the fire toasty warm.  

We began the evening with a hike on Sky Come Down trail and Kevin attempted to call in some screech owls.   After just minutes, we heard one, but the sound was quickly replaced by two great horned owls that seemed to be flying towards us.   We lingered for a while, and while we could clearly hear them, they didn't approach close enough to see.   Since great horned owls are predators of screech owls, Kevin thought it would be best not to try to call any longer, so we headed back to the nature center fire to enjoy the warmth of the fire and good conversation.