Sunday, January 30, 2011

Homemade suet plugs

There are a lot of bird feeders in the Klauza yard, and while we try our best to keep them full, our suet plug feeder is nearly always empty.   It isn't so much a case of us being too lazy to refill it ...well, maybe a little....but I would like to think that it is because the plugs are a little harder to find in stores, and frankly, they are a little pricey.

One of our favorite wintertime activities, is to make homemade suet.   Our suet recipe usually start with a jar of warmed, crunchy peanut butter, and add oatmeal, fruit bits, sunflower seeds, etc.  In the end, we end up with a bowl of really unappealing mush, but after we form it into cakes and let it cool, the birds love it!

Today, I took the same mixture, packed it into a pill bottle (with the bottom cut off), then easily slid the plugs out onto wax paper and let them cool.  The plugs will fit perfectly into the feeder.

Sure it saved a little money, but it was a fun way for the girls and I to spend a wintertime Sunday morning.