Saturday, January 1, 2011

I resolve to...

As I look back at 2010, I feel that I did a fairly good job at making some changes in my life, but not to rest on my laurels, in  MMXI (2011), I resolve to.....

Develop new hobbies, and friendships to share them with ⌛ Try harder to remember birthdays and special occasions of friends and family with cards and little notes rather than last second emails ⌛ Accept that as the girls grow, some of our adventures are gonna take place at the mall ⌛ Spend more time with adults when the girls are not home -- the laundry, dishes, grocery shopping can wait - friendships cannot ⌛ Remember that the library is open year round, and try to visit them in warm months too ⌛ Attend a Toledo Mud Hens game ⌛ Go camping more ⌛ Splurge on new hiking boots and use them often ⌛ Buy a kayak and explore more of the local rivers ⌛ Visit Point Peelee for the Monarch migration ⌛Accept that offer to  visit TN and go whitewater rafting ⌛ Go to Hell, Michigan (oh, just for the hell of it) ⌛ Visit more of the museums that are available through the Detroit Adventure Pass ⌛ Attend more plays at local theaters ⌛ Go to the movies more often ⌛ Remember not to pester friends with text or emails too frequently -- just because I have time to communicate may not mean that they do or even want toGet a membership to The Henry Ford ⌛ Buy season passes to the Marquis Theater ⌛ Take the girls to see Wicked or Phantom of the Opera ⌛ Attend a few middle of the week Tiger games ⌛ Participate in some outdoor winter activities -- lets face it, winter isn't going to go away, I might as well embrace it as much as possible ⌛ Eat healthier in an effort to lose ten pounds ⌛ Too many days are just melancholy -- I really need to laugh more often ⌛ Spend more time at the zoo, including an overnight stay ⌛ Simply accept that some friendships are just one sided, and when necessary do a little friendship gardening to remove the shriveled up dead parts without trying to figure out why they didn't grow and flourish ⌛ Take a train ride ⌛ Visit the cascades on a night when there is not a special event going on, but just because ⌛ Take more walks at Oakwoods and Crosswinds ⌛ Keep searching craigslist until I find an affordable hot tub ⌛ Donate blood every 56 days ⌛ Volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter ⌛ Watch the sunrise over Lake Erie ⌛ Remain active with the Salvation Army ⌛ Go caching along Hines Drive ⌛Take the girls to Splash Universe more often ⌛ Take more bike rides ⌛ Get a massage at least once ⌛ Enjoy an occasional guys night out where camaraderie and tall tales can be shared and waitresses ogled -- I don't know that I have EVER done that ⌛ Visit the drive-ins more often -- there are only a few left and they will all be gone before too long ⌛ Read the comics daily ⌛ Visit more small town fairs and fireworks displays ⌛ Run in the Girls On the Run 5K ⌛ Visit some lighthouses ⌛ Find some letterboxes ⌛ Resume going to the DIA more often ⌛ Find an All Pro dads group to join ⌛ Spend some time at Hidden Lake Gardens ⌛ Enjoy a rainy day at the zoo ⌛ Take some dart-board day trips ⌛ Better manage my budget to account for all of the girls activities while allowing for an occasional splurge ⌛Enjoy summer nights and ice cream (so much for resolving to eat healthier) ⌛ Geocache at Put-in-Bay ⌛ Spend more time sitting around the fire pit enjoying good conversations ⌛ Take one of Portofino Detroit River cruises ⌛ Visit my mom more often ⌛ Attend more of the classic movies at the Redford and Penn theaters ⌛ Keep my bird feeders constantly full ⌛ Dress less casual at work ⌛ Listen to the radio more when home in the evening ⌛ Keep up on our blog ⌛ Remember to compliment the girls and tell them often how proud I am of them ⌛ Eat more fruit and vegetables ⌛ Regularly back up our pictures stored on the computer ⌛ Find a church where I feel comfortable ⌛ Have Thai food more often ⌛ Tend to the flowers after I plant them ⌛ Show more patience ⌛ Renew my passport & actually make plans to use it ⌛ Go out on St. Patrick's day ⌛ Read more often ⌛ Show more gratitude ⌛ Do some genealogy research ⌛ Try to provide the girls with a little more 'normal' lifestyle -- one a little less Bohemian like ⌛ Visit Keller's bakery more often ⌛ Visit more apple orchards ⌛ Procrastinate less ⌛ Go snowshoeing ⌛ Fold the laundry as I wash it ⌛ Put my Delta Skymiles to use ⌛ Take Tessa for more walks ⌛ and finally try to relax a little more often.