Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The ankle bone IS connected to the leg bone...

After 4 weeks of stumbling around,  and showering with her leg wrapped in a plastic bag, Riley finally got to remove the cast that she got back in her November gymnastics spill.   Although she enjoyed a lot of extra attention, the novelty of having a cast had quickly worn off, and even waking at 7:30 AM on her first day of Christmas vacation didn't dull the eagerness she had for her early morning appointment.

The removal process was pretty entertaining to watch  -- from the look of panic when they started pressing the cast saw to her leg, to the way she wrinkled up her nose when she saw her dried, flaky leg and foot and described it as an 'old lady foot', and finally the big sigh of relief when Doctor Zingus looked at the x-rays and proclaimed that she was completely healed. 

What was the best part of being 'cast-free'?  With a big smile she said, "being able to wear jeans again!"