Saturday, October 2, 2010

Walk down memory lane...

The girls and I went to the Applefest today, and stopped by St. Stephen's to check out the craft show and for the girls to see where I spent my grade school years.   In seems like a million years ago that I went there, yet after walking through the hallways awash in memories, it easily could have been just yesterday.  

I showed the girls where each of the classrooms were, related all of the memories of the library (which is now a computer lab and kindergarten), and even showed them the (now repaired) boys bathroom stall where rumors had it that a Playboy magazine was hidden inside (Boy....countless hours were spent trying to retrieve it way back then).   I even showed them my class picture and pointed out little Becky Ballard who I madly had a crush on.  

We didn't buy anything at the craft show except for two hot dogs....and believe it or not, they tasted EXACTLY like they used to way back when we had the bi-monthly hot dog day school lunch in the church basement.

The girls said that the school seemed small and didn't seem over impressed, but for me, it was a wonderful trip down memory lane

Kennedy rining the bell that I was never able to

Class picture

Grades 1-4