Thursday, December 30, 2010

"Doing the most good"

I am not exactly sure why, but this year, I really have struggled with getting into the Christmas spirit.   Despite doing our usual holiday traditions and even starting a couple of new ones, it just didn't feel like Christmastime to me.   Right before Christmas the girls and I participated in a few things that let me see Christmas in a slightly different light.  While it didn't so much change how I felt, it did reminded me that Christmas isn't about the glitter and gifts anyway.

Tuesday, we went down to the Salvation Army in Monroe and volunteered at their food and toy distribution, helping four families 'shop' for gifts and food for their children.  I know that this season, I have driven around looking for the gifts that the girls asked for and complained about fighting the crowds looking for them, or having to wait until payday to go get what the girls asked for.  However, Melissa, (one for the four mothers that we helped out), found joy in finding a used Barney stuffed animal to give to her young daughter, and was overwhelmed that she could pick not one but two Barbies for her 10 year old.   It really put things into perspective for me, and based on what I heard them say, I am pretty sure that the girls will have a greater appreciation not only for the gifts that they will get on Christmas day, but for every thing that they get all through the year.

Wednesday and Thursday, we helped out as volunteer Salvation Army bell ringers at Busch's in Carleton.  It surprised me at how generous some people were (especially when the girls were singing and ringing the bells), and how others didn't even acknowledge your presence.  I fully understand that times are tough for everyone, but those few hours spent helping families shop made me realize how much even a little change helps so much.

The Christmas spirit was still lacking this year, but the season was filled with friends, family, giving and gratitude.   Isn't that what Christmas is all about anyway?