Monday, November 15, 2010

Five lessons learned from my day in 3rd grade

I spent today helping out in Kennedy's classroom, and had a great time.   I walked away from there with several observations.   Below are five lessons learned from my day in 3rd grade;

5.  I was FINALLY able to get 100% on a spelling test...something that I could never do when I was in 3rd (or 4th, or 5th, or...) grade -- they must just make them easier now right?  ;-)

4.  Recess time is a great sedative.

3.  In 3rd grade, all kids seem to be friendly and get along with each other.   When (and more importantly...why) does that change?

2.  It surprises me at how teachers just seem to know when students are not paying attention.   Maybe they really DO have eyes in the back of their heads.

and the number 1 lesson that I learned from my day in 3rd grade....

1  During quite reading time, if a student breaks wind, it generates contagious giggles that quickly spread through the entire class.